Alan Chan
S. K. Lee
M. W. Yeung
A survey of 767 Christians in Hong Kong was conducted to measure the level of obedience and the level of struggle reported by respondents when making ethical decisions in the workplace. Based on our measures, multinomial logistic regression was used to examine if individual values, church factors, work ethical viewpoint, social background, faith orientation, family relationship, past experience, and so on, affect both judgmental behaviors and internal struggles. We found that (1) males struggle less than females when making decisions; (2) the more results-oriented a Christian is, the more likely it is that they will obey and follow management decisions; (3) the larger or the more rigorous their workplace, the easier it is for a Christian to obey and follow management decisions; (4) the longer devotion time to God a Christian spends, or the more history/social science books a Christian has read, the more unlikely a Christian will disobey one’s own wish; (5) the more short-term missions or visitations performed by the Christian, the lower their score on the struggle index.