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Author Guidelines

Interested in submitting to this journal? Style instructions are listed below. Email a file of your submission in Microsoft Word to LLocke@umhb.edu.

Each article is sent to 3 reviewers. It usually takes 7 weeks to complete the initial review process. There are no article processing charges for submission or publication.

 Manuscript Guidelines

     Authors considering writing a paper to submit to the JBIB should review past issues to see examples of content, length and other elements in articles accepted for publication. Keep in mind that editors continually strive to improve the quality of articles that are published in JBIB. Additionally, reviewing past issues of JBIB will help authors know in what ways the article they are thinking of submitting relates to previously published articles.

     Authors who are hoping to get published in JBIB should consider the following guidelines for content, style and email submission. 

Content of Articles

     The JBIB publishes both empirical and theoretical or conceptual articles.  Reviews of books and media are also published. The following guidelines should be followed when writing an article submitted for consideration in JBIB.

     Faith Integration focus. Articles in the JBIB focus on the integration of biblical perspectives and passages with the academic disciplines related to business and economics. Biblical citations and discussion must be a prominent part of the entire paper, not just an “add on” or after thought. The editorial process includes an examination of biblical passages used, with proper regard for appropriate exegetical and hermeneutic principles. Quoting from or merely referring to a few passages of the Bible (a.k.a. using “proof texts) by itself does not strengthen the paper’s contribution to faith integration. Accordingly, authors help readers understand not only the relevant Bible passages but also the broader theological messages of Scripture as these pertain to the issues addressed in the paper.

     Audience.  The primary audience of the JBIB is Christian professors who teach business at colleges and universities. However the JBIB is increasingly being read by those of other faiths and those outside the academic arena. Therefore, the author should maintain a writing style accessible to a variety of disciplines. This means that technical terms should be explained and that business-oriented examples should be developed. The intent is to avoid jargon and “academic-speak” and communicate clearly across boundaries of disciplines and vocations. 

     Purpose and promises. Explicitly state the purpose of the paper in the introduction. Follow this statement immediately with an orientation for readers regarding the major sections of the paper that will follow. This organizes the readers’ anticipation making reading easier. By the time the reader finishes reading the conclusion, it should be clear that the purpose of the paper has been accomplished. Accordingly, after writing the conclusion of the paper, review again the statement of purpose and the orientation for the reader given in the introduction. Make improvements so that what the promises to the reader are fulfilled. It can be tempting to hook the reader in the introduction by making an attractive promise for what the paper will do. Be careful what the paper promises the reader and then make sure that the paper delivers on that promise. Readers and peer reviewers do not like puffed-up promises that prove in the end to be hollow.

     Structure. Organize the paper into clearly defined sections using headings and subheadings whenever possible. These sections must follow the orientation which is provided to the reader in the introduction. Once the paper’s purpose is developed, take on the role of being a “coach” to the paper itself: What does the paper need to accomplish its purpose? Does the purpose need to be made clearer so that what is presented in the body of the paper actually fulfills the promises to the reader? How can the various supporting elements (subsections, evidence, arguments, critiques, discussions and so forth) in the paper be sequenced in a manner which strengthens the ability of the paper to achieve its purpose? Is the paper structured in a way that highlights the prominence of faith integration?

     Literature review. Ground the paper in the current stream of scholarly dialogue that already exists on the topic(s) addressed in the paper. Assume that readers of JBIB are aware of this dialogue. They will want to know how your paper fits within, contributes to or is different from the current or recent “conversation” taking place about the topic(s) among other scholars. Reviewing the literature carefully will also help authors describe to readers how their paper advances this scholarly conversation in a particular way. Does the paper shift consensus in a particular direction? If so, how? Does the paper disagree with current consensus? In terms of what others have written on the topic, why is the thesis of this paper so urgent for readers to consider? What practical consequences not apparent in previous published works need to be addressed in the paper? If there is a debate in the previously published literature, in what ways does the article resolve or contribute to that debate? Keep in mind that literature relevant to faith integration in business may have a corresponding body of literature outside of business in biblical studies and theology that should be considered.

     It is the author’s responsibility to know the particular contribution that the paper makes to the ongoing or previous scholarly dialogue on the issues. Appropriate citations and bibliography are important evidence to readers regarding what portions of previous scholarly dialogue the author considered relevant to the paper. State how the paper advances the ongoing debates or discussions in the Journal of Biblical Integration in Business (and in other relevant literature) or whether it begins a new discussion. If it is a new discussion, the relevance and importance must be made clear and the previously published relevant literature must still be reviewed to provide support for the relevance of the new discussion. By the time the author is finished writing the paper the following question should have an unambiguous answer: What will the reader learn from this article that he or she did not, or could not, have known before?

     Length.  Feature articles should be no more than 7,000 words, excluding references, figures and tables. Manuscripts of greater or lesser length will also be considered if the value of the paper merits it. When in doubt, shorter is better. The abstract should be 75 words or less.  List Key Words after the abstract.

Style Instructions

     When submitting articles, please use the following style instructions: 

     Citation styleArticles in the JBIB should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. For example, articles should be written using textual citations rather than footnotes. Authors can refer to the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for any questions regarding this style. References should be noted in the body of paper in parenthesis, e.g. (Goltz, Hietapelto, Reinsch, & Tyrell, 2008). All references should appear alphabetically by author’s last name in the references section in APA format (see example below).

Goltz, S., Hietapelto, A., Reinsch, R., & Tyrell, S. (2008). Teaching teamwork and problem solving concurrently. Journal of Management Education, 32(5), 541-562.

     Cover sheet and abstract. Manuscripts should include a separate cover page (cover sheet) with the title, authors, their affiliations, and contact information. If multiple authors participated in the paper, identify who is the primary contact for the editor. The first page of the paper should include the paper title, followed by an abstract of not more than 75 words, and then followed by the first section.

     Spacing. Manuscripts should be double spaced. One-inch margins should be used.

     Headings and subheadings[1].  APA Style uses a three level headings system to separate and classify paper sections. Use the headings in order, beginning with level 1. The format of each level is illustrated below (and in this document):

APA Headings






Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading


              Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.

     Illustrations. Tables and figures should be numbered, starting with 1.  Do not place tables and figures in the body of the paper. Rather, note in the body of the paper approximately where tables or figures should be placed using double lines with “Insert Table 1 here” between the double lines. Place tables, figures, and appendices after the reference section at the end of the paper.  Tables and figures should be in portrait orientation with 1 inch margins on all sides. 

     Endnotes. Use endnotes, not footnotes, and avoid excessive use of endnotes.  The endnotes section should appear at the end of the paper but before the references section. 

     Electronic file formats. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as an email attachment in Word® file, doc. or docx. format. Do not use the PDF file format for submissions.

     Personal identifying information. An author’s name or other identifying information (such as title or institutional affiliation) must be removed from the body of the paper, including appendices, footnotes, headings, footers and the electronic file “properties.”

Policy on Previously Published Material

     The JBIB does not publish manuscripts or media reviews that have been published in other journals, books, or magazines. The JBIB editors will consider manuscripts of papers presented at regional or national meetings, including those presented at the CBFA annual conference. The JBIB’s standards for manuscript acceptance may be different from those of conferences. Frequently authors use conferences as forums for early versions of papers. If a paper has been presented at a conference, it is expected that the author(s) will document the changes made, if any, in the manuscript in a letter (or email) accompanying the manuscript. The JBIB is a double blind, peer-reviewed academic journal, meaning that authors and reviewers are unknown to each other. Authors who submit manuscripts developed from conference presentations should recognize that they forfeit complete anonymity in the blind peer review process.  

Policy on Simultaneous Submissions

     The editors do not accept articles that are being submitted simultaneously to other journals.

Submission Email

     In your submission email provide the following:

  • An abbreviated version of the title of the article in the email subject line and the full title of the article in the body of the email.
  • A short description of the particular contribution that the paper makes to the on-going scholarly dialogue.
  • Email the electronic file of your submission to: Larry G. Locke, Editor,  Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, llocke@umhb.edu, 254-295-4160

[1] From Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue (owl.english.purdue.edu)