Orneita Burton
Jozell Brister
The goal of this research is to identify factors that occur in highly competitive, profit-oriented businesses that are also successful in serving the needs of customers and employees and key constituents of the operation’s stakeholder network. This research defines factors needed to bridge the best practices of non-profit or not-for-profit (NFP) and for-profit (FP) entities to suggest a hybrid business form that serves as a stewardship model to promote ethical management practices in profit-making businesses. Best practices are defined as suggested by professionals who manage for-profit businesses as hybrid organizations by successfully incorporating fundamental principles of a non-profit organization. Such practices focus on management processes that sustain business operations while positively impacting the people served by the organization and the environment where the company operates. The first phase of a survey has been developed to address the question, “Which non-profit business practices promote the longevity of for-profit organizations that successfully serve the needs of people?” The integrative nature of this research implies the need for a second research question: “Which indicators of successful operations co-exist in for-profit and non-profit businesses?”