Editor's Perspective
When I had the idea of creating special topics as a means to further provide service to the members of the Christian Business Faculty Association, a subject that impacts everyone quickly came to mind — gender. Whether we are older or younger, male or female, conservativeor liberal, married or single, the impact of gender on organizations affects us all. From the beginning we were created to serve God and serve one another for the greater good. Despite the common source of wisdom we
all share, gender continues to create tensions and divisions among us. There appear to be as many opinions on women and their place, function, role and voice outside of the home, as there are women on the planet. Further, these opinions are shaped by our own unique experiences,
education, relationships and culture. As such, we tend to perpetuate our values when engaging with and educating others. One could argue that the varied positions on the matter will likely last through the end of earth’s time, at which point humankind will finally grasp God’s truth.