Whose Faith? Faith Integration for Postmodern Christian Business Students
Teaching students to integrate faith and business has been a long-held goal of Christian business faculty members. Recently, that undertaking has become more complicated, not because of changes in business, but because of changes in faith. Many millennial students have adopted a postmodern worldview and a postfoundational epistemology. These students now think differently about faith (McLaren, 2001; Jones, 2008). While they may hold to traditional creedal propositions, their process of believing is different (Miller, 2004). This article distinguishes between modern and postmodern thinking and discusses relevant epistemological and theological differences. Learning needs of postmodern business students that Christian business faculty must meet to teach faith and business integration are identified. Concrete examples of adjustments that may be required of Christian business faculty to meet these new learning needs are given, and the article concludes with a charge to Christian business faculty to accept the challenges involved in faith integration for postmodern students.
How to Cite
McMahoneM., LockeL. G., & RollerR. H. (1). Whose Faith? Faith Integration for Postmodern Christian Business Students. Christian Business Academy Review, 10. https://doi.org/10.69492/cbar.v10i0.25
Joint CBAR & JBIB Special Section, Developing and Teaching Biblical Integration Theory: A Time to Consolidate