Experiential Learning: Shareholder Engagement in a Student-Managed Investment Fund

  • Kent T. Saunders


In many universities, innovations in financial education have allowed a movement beyond simulations to student management of real dollar funds. Through the investment of real money, students have the additional responsibility to act as stewards on behalf of their clients. When purchasing equities as part of their investment portfolio, students can practice real-life shareholder advocacy and engagement through socially responsible investing. The focus of this paper will be the experience of shareholder engagement within a student-managed investment fund at Anderson University. Specifically, this paper will detail the experience of attending actual annual meetings in person and online, completing corporate visits, proxy voting, and writing shareowner proposals.
How to Cite
SaundersK. T. (1). Experiential Learning: Shareholder Engagement in a Student-Managed Investment Fund. Christian Business Academy Review, 10. https://doi.org/10.69492/cbar.v10i0.19
Creative Instruction