Management and the Gospel: Luke’s Radical Message for the First and Twenty-First Centuries By Bruno Dyck

  • Leonidas Salgado


The goal of Dr. Dyck’s book, Management and the Gospel, is to assist 21st century readers to understand and consider the social and economic context of management during the time of Christ. As such, it provides an excellent aid for those who seek to integrate Christian beliefs consistently in all aspects of business. The book is also a fine example of thorough and scholarly Biblical integration and would be excellent to use in graduate classes. Most importantly, I agree with Dr. Dyck that this book may help us break away from what Max Weber called the “iron cage”— our materialist-individualist management ethic paradigm. Whether we agree or not on this aspect, the book is valuable for its depth of Biblical integration, Dr. Dyck’s ideas, and the many examples.
Book Reviews